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2025 Rock, Roll & Rattlesnake Challenge Adventure Race

May 3, 2025 16 Hour Adventure Race and 8 Hour Sprint Adventure Race - Paint Creek, TX Haskell County

16 Hour Race


Race registration is open for 16 Hour Race. Race check in will be mandatory Friday night and race start will be 4 am Saturday morning with an 8 pm Saturday night race cut off.  All teams should expect to race the entire time.  Race disciplines will include orienteering and map skills for all legs of the race (GPS usage not allowed), mountain biking on trails, gravel and ranch roads with six miles of pavement, trekking and open lake kayaking. Team rankings will be based on the number of Cp's acquired and your time.  Teams may race the entire 16 hours or for a shorter time and will still be ranked.  Boats will not be provided. This is a BYOBoat race. 




                                 2 person teams (coed, female, male)

3 person teams (coed, female, male)

                                 4 person teams (coed)


8 Hour Race


Race registration is open for the 8 Hour Sprint Race. Race check in will be 7 am Saturday and race start will be 8 am Saturday morning with a 4 pm Saturday afternoon race cut off.  All teams should expect to race the entire time.  Race disciplines will include orienteering and map skills for all legs of the race (GPS usage not allowed), mountain biking on trails, gravel and ranch roads, trekking and open lake kayaking.The 8 hour race this year will be geared towards helping beginner teams with navigation and will be a great race to start with. Jim will have a few checkpoints at the beginning of the race for teams to get an accurate pace count and navigation guard rails will be in place.  Experienced teams dont fret, the race will be challenging for all skill levels.  Teams rankings will be based on the number of Cp's acquired and your time.  Teams may race the entire 8 hours or for a shorter time and will still be ranked.  Boats will not be provided. This is a BYOBoat race. A few boats are available for rental, call Leiza at 940.256.0769 to reserve a tandem kayak.  Numbers are limited. 




                                     2 person teams (coed, female, male)

  3 person teams (coed, female, male)

                                     4 person teams (coed, female, male)

Registration Fee


$175.00 per person for 16 Hour

15% Discount if team registers before 09/30/2024


$140.00 per person for 8 Hour

15% Discount if team registers before 09/30/2024


Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. The race is rain or shine, delays due to weather may be implemented race day.

We will be serving a baked potato dinner for all racers and support crew at 6 pm Friday evening.  We will serve a hot meal on Saturday evening after the race for those camping or wanting to stay for the after race meal.   

Primitive camping is available at race TA at no charge for all teams and support crew.


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Required Mt. Biking Gear


One single NON MOTORIZED mountain bike per participant (There will be a category for disabled individuals to use ebikes and their teams will be ranked separately.)


  • All participants MUST have a bike helmet

  • White front bike light

  • Red rear bike light

Boat and Paddling Required Gear


Non Motorized Single, Tandem or triple kayak or canoe supplied by each team, enough seats for your team - I discourage your team from using a canoe


Kayak Rentals - RRA has a few tandem kayaks available for rent for $100. Text Leiza at 940.256.0769 for availability and rental.


  • 1 Paddle per participant

  • 1 PFD (personal floatation device) per participant with a whistle attached

  • 1 White waterproof Strobe Light or glow stick

  • 1 Red rear light or glow stick per boat

  • 1 Flashing red light or glow stick attached to PFD if paddling dusk to dawn

Other Needed Gear


  • UTM plotting grid

  • Compass

  • Cell phone and water tight case per team (will not be allowed to use phone as gps)

  • Head Lamp


I will not suggest any other gear.  Each team will need to research the area and the race and using the PRM decide what they will need to carry with them for the entire race.


Personal Responsibility Model - The PRM


What is the PRM or "Personal Responsibility Model"?

Rattlesnake Racing Adventures expects teams to train and be prepared for all parts of the race the racer or team chooses to participate in.  Each racer has trained and has the skill set to complete any part or all of the race.  Each team has sufficient training in wilderness first aid to assist their team mates.  It is the racers responsibility to remove themselves or not attempt any part of the race they are not confident they or their team can complete or finish.  It is each participants responsibility to know the industry standards and procedures for outdoor and weather emergencies.  The race site is primitive and definitive health care is two hours away.  Parts of the race course are inaccessible by vehicles including ambulances and ATV.  The primitive race site is covered with cactus, mesquite, catclaw and other shrubs trees and plants which have thorns, spines and stickers.  

Agritourism Limited Liability Law


The race site is a primitive producing cattle ranch.





The participants agree the Adventure Race is an agritourism activity by choosing to participate.  

Adventure Sports


All sport disciplines involved in Adventure Racing are inherently dangerous.  No amount of mitigation or gear can make the sport "safe." No venue for adventure racing can be deemed "safe."  The environments in which adventure races occur are inherently dangerous and have dangers which can not be completely mitigated by race staff or racers.  

Adventure Race Rules


1. You must follow race instructions for each leg or segment of the race.


2. All team members must stay within site of each other and be within 30 feet of the CP when punched. A good rule of thumb is be able to regroup within 30 seconds.


3. No Trespassing! Stay within ranch boundaries and stay on public roads when necessary. Trespassing will be grounds for disqualification. 


4. You must check in and out of every Transition Area with the TA Queen.  


5. Leave all gates as you find them: if you find a gate open, leave it open. If you find a gate closed, close it behind you. 


6. No GPS device may be used to help with navigation or distance. You may turn on a fitness or tracking app to see your race after you have completed the event, but the device needs to be sealed and not used for navigation. Race in the Spirit of the race.


7. Each team will need to carry one working cell phone. 


8. You must wear your PFD while paddling. A flashing red light must be attached to the back of your PFD if paddling at night.  You must follow Texas boating safety laws when paddling from dusk to dawn pertaining in paddling in the dark. 


9. If the race instructions say the leg is a paddling leg then your kayak must be with you when you reach the CP unless otherwise stated in the race instructions.


10. You must wear a certified bike helmet at all times while biking.  A white front headlight and red rear light if biking dusk to dawn.


11. Leave no trace; if you pack it in, pack it out. This goes for support crew and support areas. 


12. Only maps supplied by race organizers for the current year may be used during the race. 


13. Support is allowed and encouraged for this race , but is not mandatory.  There will be three supported transition areas. 


14. Teams will be ranked on the number of legally obtained CP's and time. Teams race as long or short of a time period within race time limits.


15. Loss of Passport can be a complete DQ to loss of CP's. We suggest numbering you map and punching your map and CP passport both,  If you loose passport but map is punched it will only be loss of one cp. 

Lodging and Camping


Primitive camping is available at the race start site and main transition area.  Porta potties will be available but no running water or showers available.  A spigot with a water hose is available at the barn about 300 meters from the TA. There are no dumpsters or trash service at the race site.  All trash will need to be bagged and hauled out.  Leave no trace. Other TA's will have dumpsters. 


RV sites with electric and water and tent camping is available at The Anchor on the Haskell side of Lake Stamford.  This will be the TA for bike to paddle/paddle to bike.  You will need to call The Anchor to make reservations or it may be first come, first served. They may or may not have working bathrooms with a shower. The Anchor Marina 788 Anchor Lane, Haskell, TX 79521.


Haskell and Stamford both have hotels. Stamford is 27 miles from the race site and Haskell is 16 miles from the race site. 


We are also a part of the North America World Series




The RRRC 2025 will be a USARA Sanctioned event.  Each racer will need to go to to purchase a single day or one year USARA license.

© 2022 Rattlesnake Racing

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